One of the pillars of our philosophy when it comes to creating memorable experiences in our restaurants is our commitment to food sustainability and the environment. Most people seem to agree that sustainable practices are a good thing to employ when it comes to farming, cooking and eating. But decisions made when one is in the supermarket is often based on price and convenience, with food sustainability taking a back seat.

So what does food sustainability really mean?  Sustainable food is made up of a combination of factors including how the food is produced, how it’s distributed and how it’s consumed.  According to the official 1990 Farm Bill, Sustainable Agriculture means an integrated system of plant and animal production practices having a site-specific application that will, over the long term:

  • satisfy human food and fiber needs

  • enhance environmental quality and the natural resource base upon which the agricultural economy depends

  • make the most efficient use of nonrenewable resources and on-farm resources and integrate, where appropriate, natural biological cycles and controls

  • sustain the economic viability of farm operations

  • enhance the quality of life for farmers and society as a whole

It’s evident that people understand good, locally sourced food and are familiar with sustainability. The Coachella Valley is experiencing a food culture renaissance - it’s a melting pot of old school and new school foodies, jet setters, LA weekenders and people from all over the world. The need for great restaurant concepts is evident and the valley’s hospitality groups and restaurateurs are reacting and innovating. We are proud to be one of the groups on the forefront this movement of finding creative solutions for the environmental challenges we are all faced with.

We want our customers to know the names of our farms we source from... to see the connection to the place they live in and the community they are a part of. Food production shouldn’t be some dark, far off thing that happens by a big corporation.
— Chef Eddie Moran

The “millennial” are influencing many of the trends that we are seeing in food. Younger generations are growing up with access to foods that reflect the influences from around the world. This can be seen in their relationship to spices. It seems like we’ve gone from a general understanding of spicy to an actual understanding of world spices, especially those from Southeast Asia, North Africa, and the Americas in general. Additionally, knowing that the next generation is also big on snacking, it helps us understand that they want world cuisine with bold flavors, few bites and variety.

We have several partnerships which help us uphold our commitment to the environment. Proceeds from our purchases from Mishima Reserve benefit a partnership between Eden Reforestation Projects and Mishima Reserve. Reducing the environmental carbon footprint by planting Mangrove Trees in Madagascar in efforts to sequester more carbon than we are producing. The goal is to plant 500,000 mangrove trees per year for the next 5 years. In their lifetime, these trees, indigenous to Madagascar, sequester three times the carbon compared to most trees, making them the most efficient way to sequester carbon on the plant. By planting the mangroves, we reduce the carbon footprint, but also help to rebuild one of the most biologically diverse places on earth while simultaneously reducing extreme poverty by employing local villagers.  

Certified Angus Beef- Farm to Fork
One World Beef- State of the art beef distribution, Slaughterhouse, Feedlot facility Brawely,CA 
Built on the principles of Dr. Temple Grandin professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University. 
Mishima Reserve - American Wagyu Beef

Carrot fed Cattle at Santa Carota Farms

Carrot fed Cattle at Santa Carota Farms

Santa Carota Farms - Bakersfield, CA grass raised carrot fed beef
Sustainable ranchers go above and beyond. Gluten-free, non-GMO, hormone free, never feed additional antibiotics, include more vitamins high B-12 and beta carotene. Bakersfield produces most of the carrots grown in the country. The farm is few miles away form the largest carrot farms. The animals love the carrots and free range roaming at the foothills of the Breckenridge Mountain.
Santa Monica Seafood - partners with the Monterey Bay seafood watch.
Santa Barbara Fish Market - locally caught with sustainable and ethical practices.

At F10, we feel it is our responsibility to educate and act, to bring forth change in what people eat and how they view food sourcing, for the prosperity of our local communities and the health of our planet. This is a local ecosystem of the farmers who grow and raise our food, the cooks who prepare and serve it, and the community that consumes it. We are all important pieces of the puzzle with power to bring about change. We want our customers to know the names of the farms we source from... to see the connection to the place they live and the community they are a part of. Food production shouldn’t be some dark, far off thing that happens by a big corporation. That’s not how it was ever meant to be. 

Through daily practices, food initiatives and partnerships, we strive to keep families on their land, promote eating and the local sourcing of food product and hope to do our part in preserving some of our planet’s resources.  Family farms, family ranches and family-owned small businesses are vital to a sustainable economy. Not to mention, the fresher the produce, the better it tastes in the dishes we have the honor of putting on your table.

Want to know more? Follow our culinary adventures and current events on Instagram!